We have Irish blood in the family but we do not celebrate St Patrick's day. To make up for this Here is my dedicated Irish Blog.
The Shamrock Symbol
The three-leafed shamrock is the Irish christian symbol of the Holy Trinity
The Anglicized word for Irish word for "clover" ("seamair") is "seamaróg". So the word Shamrock indicates how close Ireland and England were in our long history.
This is an actual Photo of Ireland.
Ireland is the 3rd largest island in Europe, and the twentieth-largest island in the world.
It lies surrounded by hundreds of islands and islets and is a part of Europe.
Politically, the state Ireland (described as the Republic of Ireland in cases of ambiguity) covers five-sixths of the island, with Northern Ireland, part of the UK, covering the remainder in the north-east.
The population of the island is slightly over six million (2007), with 4.34 million in the Republic and an estimated 1.75 million in Northern Ireland .
This is a significant increase from a modern historical low in the 1960s, but still much lower than the peak population of over 8 million in the early 19Th century, prior to the Irish potato famine.
The name Ireland derives from the name Eriu (in modern Irish, Éire) with the addition of the Germanic word land. Most other western European names for Ireland derive from the same source, such as French Irlande, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Irlanda, German Irland and the Dutch Ierland.
A common misunderstanding is thinking St. Patrick was Irish - but a simple explanation show them the error of their ways!
Saturday 15 March 2008 - 12:26PM (GMT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments
This is a typical widget you can put into more advanced blog sites. On 360 you have to put it into a blog page, which is a shame. You see MyBlog on many websites now so I though it was time to get my own to keep up to date with things!
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Saturday 15 March 2008 - 08:07AM (GMT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments
How to build a boat.
This video gives you the inspiration needed to start your project. My project is a larger scale but I plan to build smaller boats like the one in the video when I am in the Philippines.
yfla.wrap("This multimedia content requires Flash version 9 and above.", "Upgrade Now.", "http:\/\/www.adobe.com\/shockwave\/download\/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash", " This is the one we are working on now");
Function VBGetSwfVer(i)
on error resume next
Dim swControl, swVersion
swVersion = 0
set swControl = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + CStr(i))
if (IsObject(swControl)) then
swVersion = swControl.GetVariable("$version")
end if
VBGetSwfVer = swVersion
End Function
This is the one we are working on now
yfla.wrap("This multimedia content requires Flash version 9 and above.", "Upgrade Now.", "http:\/\/www.adobe.com\/shockwave\/download\/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash", " http:\/\/www.spirainternational.com\/r_boatebook.pdf");
Tags: boat-building Edit Tags
Sunday 9 March 2008 - 08:35AM (GMT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments
Flying is getting that much more easy.
Found this web site that helps you find plane tickets. It is the best I've seen and is very impressive indeed. Finding Airline websites from one location to another can be a long process but this website does all the hard work for you. How did I manage to miss this one? Already 7 million subscribers! - It was first launch in the US so maybe the UK edition is new?
I found this site through a hardcore travellers blog called vagabondish -
What is really nice about the site is you get a google map of your travelling area and you can click 'use nearby airports' feature which means if you chose an expensive airport the search will include the cheaper ones nearby.
I am an instant fan of this site because I enjoy dreaming up new routes and travelling possibilities and I keep a close eye on the new routes airlines are launching and planning.
Tags: kayak Edit Tags
Saturday 8 March 2008 - 09:47AM (GMT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments
A new site starts today called Polldaddy answers at - http://polldaddy.com . I like the look of this site and looks like it will be popular with the Yahoo Answers fans. Yahoo Answers is very big in the UK and around the world so Polldaddy looks like a site tapping into this success.
You can choose to pay for a 'Pro' account which may suit the keener users and people promoting websites and hit rates.
This is my first Poll to test this site out - click on link.
surveys - Take Our Poll
Tags: polldaddy Edit Tags
Friday 7 March 2008 - 08:56PM (GMT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments 1 - 5 of 504 First < id="num_next" href="http://uk.blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-KXAS.Dk7RKONN6JSWV8avg--?cq=1&l=6&u=10&mx=504&lmt=5">Next > Last
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